- UOL Study Materials


Dear UOL Student,

A lot of students have started preparing for UOL exams, but how many students have taken time to study how LSE examiners have been setting exams over the years? Our guess is that only a few students have done this.

We analysed many years of past exams and discovered a trend in 20 years exam papers that we could not observe in 3 years exam papers that UOL currently provides.

We've compiled our analysis into a report so we could help other students know about this. If you want to see this analysis, click the big button below to get a PDF file.

If you have gone through our report and would like to use these exam papers as you study then you can get them from here

Dear UOL Student,

We have been helping students with study materials for several years, we have now completed our studies and our last day at University of London is on Saturday, 15th February 2025.

That means the 20 years exam papers and 650 UOL textbooks you have seen in our emails and our website are going away forever and will not be available to students in the next academic year or in the years to come. We plan to permanently discontinue our operation to focus on our careers.

If you’re a continuing student, or if you're planning to resit your exams in October, then we ask you to consider getting these resources today and start using them early enough. Alternatively, get them today before they are gone forever and save them in your PC so you could use them to prepare for your next exams.

Over the years, thousands of students got these materials to study and prepare for exams, so if you received our emails or saw our ads but never got them, then we ask you to consider if you might have made a mistake by dismissing study resources that thousands of students found useful for exam preparation.

This is your last chance to get them, so follow the links below to get both textbooks and exam papers today. We have reduced the price, so you’ll get them at a lower price than students who bought them earlier.

Links for Textbooks & Exam Papers
Use these links get textbooks and exam papers. We ask you to consider getting both textbooks and exam papers like other students, so you wouldn't miss anything once we wind up.

Here's ›› 650 Essential & Further reading textbooks for all courses offered at the University of London

Exam Papers
Here's ›› 5,000 Exam Papers and answers published by University of London in the last 20 Yrs
Winding up date
We will permanently wind up on 15th February 2025
